Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why Teens Are More Susceptible to Acne Development ?

There are three major reasons why modern teens have a profound tendency to develop severe cases of acne. I’ve already covered the 

First one in some detail and so I will just mention it here very briefly. This refers to Nature sending all the nutrition required by the testes and the ovaries during the teen years to insure there will be adequate sexual maturation in order to guarantee the perpetuation of the species.

In cases where the diet does not have enough of the important micro nutrients, such as Vitamin A and Vitamin
B-2 to insure the conversion of the basic cholesterol molecule to both sex hormones and healthy oil for the skin,the sex hormones will win and the skin will suffer.

The second major factor is that the typical teenager’s diet consists primarily of processed foods which are woefully deficient in the basic micro nutrients required to create both hormones and healthy skin, thus their diet is setting them up to have skin that is going to be nutritionally deprived and highly prone to develop severe acne.

The third major factor is the modern teenage diet which is terribly out of balance with regard to the macro nutrients of fat, protein and carbohydrate. The diet of the average American, let alone just teens, is drastically in favor of excess simple carbohydrates. 

This factor, more than any other, when taken in combination with the above two factors guarantees that teens will have severe acne. Worse still, it also guarantees that as time goes by, a lot of other even more severe, dreadful and life shortening problems will occur as well.

It is critically important for you to understand just how this third factor of an imbalance between the macro nutrients in favor of carbohydrates is not only the biggest culprit in causing severe acne,but why it also sets the stage for a life time of early onset, life destroying health problems.

 Please read the next few paragraphs carefully, from the standpoint of your health they may be among the most important you will ever read.

Macro Nutrients - Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate 
 Most people now know that in order to be healthy, the human body needs a diet that contains enough vitamins and minerals to perform the various chemical processes that allow us to function. So, today millions of people take vitamin and mineral supplements, just to be sure they are getting enough. That is great as far as it goes. Unfortunately most people still don’t have a clue about how the other and equally critical elements of nutrition work. What I am talking about here is the vitally important macro nutrients of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The great, vast majority of your physical body is composed of protein. The framework around which the
minerals of your bones are assembled is pure protein. The muscles of your body are 98% protein. The connective tissues, the ligaments, tendons, and cartilage that hold your bones and muscles together are almost pure protein. The skin that covers your body and the membranes that cover your organs are almost pure protein. 

The formed elements of the blood, your platelets, red and white blood cells, as well as the vessels themselves, are almost pure protein.The organs which make up the interior of the body are almost all protein.

The enzymes which do all the work within your body, are almost pure protein. If you take away the water from your body, over 90% of what is left of a normal weight person will be protein.

The proteins of your body can only be constructed from the amino acids derived from the proteins found in your diet. Obviously a diet that supplies adequate protein is critical to maintaining a healthy body. Fortunately due to the highly efficient way in which the body uses its existing proteins, and the effective way it breaks dietary protein down into amino acids and peptides, we actually only need about 8 ounces of high quality protein in our diet each day in order to have a really healthy body. 

But, we do need those 8 ounces of top quality protein and if we don’t get them each day, important enzymes will not be produced,leaving vital work undone. Key immunoglobulins will not be built, leaving us vulnerable to infection. Tissue repair will not be completed, resulting in premature aging. Due to the key role proteins play in our health, there are 8 amino acids which are called “essential”, meaning we must have them in our diet every day or our health will suffer.

We need fat in our diet to provide fatty acids,sometimes called lipids. When dietary fat is eaten, the acid of the stomach separates fat from the rest of the food, and in the intestines fat is attacked by an enzyme made by the pancreas called lipase, and by the bile salts from the liver.These digestive enzymes break dietary fat down into solitary fatty acids.

These fatty acids are then absorbed into the thoracic duct of the lymphatic system, where they are wrapped in a little protein covering. This makes them a chylomicron, and they are carried along in this part of the lymph system until they are dumped into the blood stream just as it reaches the heart.

Why? Because the heart gets most of its energy by burning these fatty acids in the heart muscle cells. What?
Yes, the heart actually gets most of its energy by burning fat! Yep, and many of the other muscles of the body also gain a large amount of their energy by burning fat which was derived from the diet, or released from fat stores when we starve or go on a diet.

In addition to serving as a vital, major and key source of fuel and energy for the body, fatty acids are
important structural components of the brain and joints,the foundation of many hormones, as well as a large number of nerve impulse transmitters in the brain and nervous system. So important is fat to our health, that there are two fatty acids which are classified as “essential”, meaning we must have them in our diet or our health will suffer.

In today’s world there is an unfounded fear of fat in the diet. One of those is that fat in the diet causes acne. False! It just is not so. I’ve got a surprise for you, it is not the fat on the French Fry that causes your acne, as much as the starch in the potato, but I am getting way ahead of the story.

Our ancestors whose health was far superior to our own,ate a large amount of fat each day and much of it was of the variety labeled by the so-called experts as the wrong type of fat, saturated fat. The truth is, saturated fat is actually the safest form of fat there is.

This is because it is not going to oxidize on you and develop harmful free radicals like the unsaturated fats do. In fact, University of California Medical School research has shown that if you want to age rapidly and look old soon, just consume lots of polyunsaturated,or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Proteins and Fats in Rapid Review
We have just seen that dietary proteins are primarily for the purpose of providing us with the raw material for enzymes, red and white blood cells, immune factors, and the structural elements of most of our body and there are “essential”amino acids we must have in our diet in order to meet all those protein needs.

Fats are mostly for energy and to provide a small amount of fatty acids for hormones and nerve transmitters
as well as some structural components that make up the brain and the joints, and there are “essential” fatty acids which we must have in the diet in order to meet all those fat needs. Now we are going to take a look at carbohydrates,the most overused and abused member of the nutrition family.

Carbohydrate - The Sweet Foods
Although many people were fed breast milk by their mother when they were a baby, none remember what it tasted like, and only a few brave souls will admit to having tasted it as an adult. As the father of six breast fed children,I’ll admit that I know. It tastes sweet, very, very sweet! This very sweet tasting first food has programmed us from birth to love the taste of sweet food and drink.

If you have ever sat across from an infant in a high chair you know the difference between their reaction to eating mashed bananas or peaches versus green beans.They ate the peaches and bananas with joy but you probably ended up wearing the green beans on your face and clothes.Nature has a clever way of using that preference for sweet tasting food to get us to eat nutritionally rich food.Here is how it works. 

Did you ever notice that fresh sweet corn just off the stalk is sweet, and that which you buy in the produce department, even though it looks the same, is just not sweet?

You’ve probably noticed the same is true for most fruits and vegetables as well. This is because Nature only puts the sweet into these items after she has put in all the other nutrition. Produce harvested for market is picked early before all the nutrition has gone in, and thus Nature has not yet added the sweet. Because of our preference for the sweet taste this little trick worked well when we got our food direct from Nature. We waited until it was sweet on the tree, vine, or bush before harvesting it and thus we obtained maximum nutrition.

Today, at least 95% of all people get their food from fast food outlets or the supermarkets. These food outlets get their foods from the giant food processing plants, who in turn get them from huge growing operations. These food merchants know we love sweet foods, but due to the complex growing, processing, packaging and merchandising chain that brings us today’s food, it just isn’t possible to bring it to us “naturally sweet”. 

So they sweeten it up with the addition of sugar and starch. We the public just love it, not realizing we are being short changed on nutrition as we consume our sweet tasting foods.

The problem is, the real nutrition of the food is largely lost during this food production chain, and what is left in most cases is largely simple carbohydrates. Today our consumption of simple carbohydrate foods is more than 100 times greater than 

it was just 200 years ago. Unfortunately, our body has NOT increased its ability to handle this huge increase in simple carbohydrate foods, as a result, massive and life threatening health problems are occurring at an ever faster rate and at an ever younger age.

In talking to patients and teaching nutrition seminars, I have been shocked to find that most people have no real idea what I am talking about when I say “simple carbohydrates”. Nor, do they have any idea why eating large amounts of these simple carbohydrate foods is very dangerous to their health.
For example, this Report is on the cause and correction of Acne, and yet at this point, my guess would be that most of my readers don’t see any great connection between a large amount of simple carbohydrate in their diet and developing Acne.

Yet this is actually the number one cause of severe acne.Worse still is the fact that serious acne in the teen years brought on by a high amount of simple carbohydrates in the diet is a sure fire indicator of the diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes and obesity to follow. So let me see if I can help you gain this vital understanding of the role of carbohydrate in the diet.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Adult Acne Cures That Work

Acne is a skin disorder that normally occurs when adolescents ages nine and above go through puberty. Usually it will stop when a teenager turns nineteen and his hormones start functioning more normally.

However, it is not at all unusual for acne to continue into the twenties or beyond. This condition is known as adult acne. There are a lot of options to choose from when trying to cure this problem. Some of these natural cures may include something as simple as a change in your personal hygiene, changing your diet, and the application of various acne creams or ointments.

Acne Signs And Symptoms

Acne is normally characterized as a skin condition accompanied with the presence of oily skin. This condition usually is accompanied with the presence of whiteheads and blackheads, inflamed lesions, red or yellow areas on the skin due to the accumulation of pus, and acne scars. A dermatologist may need to see you several times if your case of acne is really severe. This is usually a very expensive method for the treatment of this condition.

Most of the medicines recommended by a dermatologist are more expensive than the over- the-counter medications that can be purchased at your local pharmacy.

Long-term acne may produce scars, which might require a different type of treatment. These scars are seen as dark spots on the face or deep lesions in the process of healing. These dark areas are indications that your acne has matured and are on their way out.

Treating Acne
 There are several different treatments that act as a cure for acne. It is typical to find medications that will be successful in treating adult acne over-the-counter at your local pharmacy. The treatments which contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are very popular adult acne cures.

Before applying the cream or ointment, the acne patient's skin should be thoroughly cleaned. The purpose of this process is to make sure that the affected areas have been cleaned thoroughly to remove any dirt or oil that has accumulated in these areas. To control the acne symptoms, you need to apply the ointment on the surface of the skin several times per day.

Additional means of treating severe adult acne cases may require a visit to your dermatologist and include prescriptions of antibacterial medication or hormone therapy. Antibacterial medication will prescribe medicines which specifically attack the bacteria found in the affected areas. Hormone therapy deals with an abnormal secretion of hormones from the endocrine system.
Other adult acne treatments include using laser lights to help dry the skin and get rid of bacteria, which is a common cause of acne.

Poor personal hygiene is also one of the causes of adult acne. By cleaning the areas that are broken out, you are helping prevent further breakouts. One thing to do is wash the affected areas with warm water and soap many times per day.

It may be a requirement to change your diet. Adult acne can be prevented somewhat by eliminating all greasy and oily foods from your diet. In order to maintain hydration and help your body get rid of toxins, a large amount of water should be included every day. The addition of copious amounts of water will help eliminate all of the toxins in your body.

It is important to know that an acne cure may take several months and the sufferer should remain patient. The instant adult acne cures available on the market today may be harsher on your skin and may result in the drying out of your skin. The ultimate desire of all adult acne cures is to leave you with fresh, smooth, healthy looking skin.

To learn more great methods to cure and prevent acne, go to []
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What is Best Acne Vulgaris Treatment and Management Steps?

Acne Cures For Adults Treatment should be directed toward the known pathogenic factors involved in acne. These include follicular hyperproliferation, excess sebum, P acnes, and inflammation. The grade and severity of the acne help in determining which of the following treatments, alone or in combination, is most appropriate. When a topical or systemic antibiotic is used, it should be used in conjunction with benzoyl peroxide to reduce the emergence of resistance.

Topical treatments Acne Cures For Adults

Topical retinoids are comedolytic and anti-inflammatory. They normalize follicular hyperproliferation and hyperkeratinization. Topical retinoids reduce the numbers of microcomedones, comedones, and inflammatory lesions. They may be used alone or in combination with other acne medications. The most commonly prescribed topical retinoids for acne vulgaris include adapalene, tazarotene, and tretinoin. 

These retinoids should be applied once daily to clean, dry skin, but they may need to be applied less frequently if irritation occurs. Skin irritation with peeling and redness may be associated with the early use of topical retinoids. The use of mild, nondrying cleansers and noncomedogenic moisturizers may help reduce this irritation. Alternate-day dosing may be used if irritation persists. 

Topical retinoids thin the stratum corneum, and they have been associated with sun sensitivity. Instruct patients about sun protection.
Topical antibiotics are mainly used for their role against Propionibacterium acnes. They may also have anti-inflammatory properties. Topical antibiotics are not comedolytic, and bacterial resistance may develop to any of these agents. The development of resistance is lessened if topical antibiotics are used in combination with benzoyl peroxide.

Commonly prescribed topical antibiotics for acne vulgaris include erythromycin and clindamycin alone or in combination with benzoyl peroxide. Clindamycin and erythromycin are available in a variety of topical agents. They may be applied once or twice a day. Gels and solutions may be more irritating than creams or lotions. Clindamycin has maintained better efficacy than erythromycin.

Benzoyl peroxide products are also effective against P acnes, and bacterial resistance to benzoyl peroxide has not been reported.

Benzoyl peroxide products are available over the counter and by prescription in a variety of topical forms, including soaps, washes, lotions, creams, and gels. Benzoyl peroxide products may be used once or twice a day. These agents may occasionally cause a true allergic contact dermatitis. 

More often, an irritant contact dermatitis develops, especially if used with tretinoin or when accompanied by aggressive washing methods. If intensive erythema and pruritus develop, a patch test with benzoyl peroxide is indicated to rule out allergic contact dermatitis.

Systemic treatments for Acne Cures For Adults

Systemic antibiotics are a mainstay in the treatment of acne vulgaris. These agents have anti-inflammatory properties, and they are effective against P acnes. The tetracycline group of antibiotics is commonly prescribed for acne. The more lipophilic antibiotics, such as doxycycline and minocycline, are generally more effective than tetracycline. Greater efficacy may also be due to less P acnes resistance to minocycline. 

However, P acnes resistance is becoming more common with all classes of antibiotics currently used to treat acne vulgaris.
P acnes resistance to erythromycin has greatly reduced its usefulness in the treatment of acne. Subantimicrobial therapy or concurrent treatment with topical benzoyl peroxide may reduce the emergence of resistant strains.
Although continued use of systemic tetracycline group antibiotics was believed to result in colonization with tetracycline-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, this does not appear to be true. A study by Fanelli et al found that S aureus remained sensitive to tetracycline even after prolonged use of that antibiotic for acne. This has significant ramifications when considering efforts to control the spread of methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA) because tetracycline group antibiotics are currently one of the primary options for outpatient treatment of MRSA.

Other antibiotics, including trimethoprim alone or in combination with sulfamethoxazole, and azithromycin, reportedly are helpful.
Some hormonal therapies may be effective in the treatment of acne vulgaris. Oral contraceptives increase sex hormone–binding globulin, resulting in an overall decrease in circulating free testosterone. Combination birth control pills have shown efficacy in the treatment of acne vulgaris.

Spironolactone may also be used in the treatment of acne vulgaris.Spironolactone binds the androgen receptor and reduces androgen production. Adverse effects include dizziness, breast tenderness, and dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea may be lessened by coadministration with an oral contraceptive. Periodic evaluation of blood pressure and potassium levels is appropriate. Pregnancy must be avoided while taking spironolactone because of the risk of feminization of the male fetus. 

Isotretinoin is a systemic retinoid that is highly effective in the treatment of severe, recalcitrant acne vulgaris. Isotretinoin causes normalization of epidermal differentiation, depresses sebum excretion by 70%, is anti-inflammatory, and even reduces the presence of P acnes. Isotretinoin therapy should be initiated at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg/d for 4 weeks and increased as tolerated until a cumulative dose of 120-150 mg/kg is achieved.

Coadministration with steroids at the onset of therapy may be useful in severe cases to prevent initial worsening. Some patients may respond to doses lower than the standard recommendation dosages. A lower dose (0.25-0.4 mg/kg/d) may be as effective as the higher dose given for the same time period and with greater patient satisfaction. Lower intermittant dosing schedules (1 week out of each month) are not as effective.

Isotretinoin is a teratogen, and pregnancy must be avoided. Contraception counseling is mandatory, and 2 negative pregnancy test results are required prior to the initiation of therapy in women of childbearing potential. The baseline laboratory examination should also include cholesterol and triglyceride assessment, hepatic transaminase levels, and a CBC count. Pregnancy tests and laboratory examinations should be repeated monthly during treatment. 
Acne can be a very depressing situation. It freezes personality development in the adolescent stage and may create hostility, anger, and antisocial behavior. Associated mood changes and depression have also been reported during treatment. Isotretinoin may heighten feelings of depression and suicidal thoughts.

Do not administer isotretinoin to a depressed or suicidal teenager. Although a cause-and-effect relationship has not been established, patients should be informed of this potential effect and must sign a consent form acknowledging they are aware of this potential risk.

Good Luck....

Monday, September 19, 2011

What IsThe Best Home Remedies For Acne Cures For Adults ??

Have you ever been bullied as a kid (or as an adult) because you have acne? Don’t worry, because if you have been, you are not alone. Millions of people all over the world suffer from acne. Just like you, they also eat, sleep, and

breathe to have clear skin. The  problem is, going to a dermatologist to treat your acne is not going to be cheap; you can spend thousands of dollars before you come close to saying bye-bye to acne. But because I know how you feel, I have gathered the best home remedies for acne that are not only cheap, they are also effective.

The first remedy for home acne cures for adults  is detoxification. A lot of people underestimate the effect of diet and lifestyle on their skin so they focus more on what they put on the outside, rather than what they take inside. Detoxification can be done in more ways than one; like exercising, eating more organic foods, and spending some time in the sauna. By releasing those harmful toxins off of your body, you not only become healthier, you will have clearer and more radiant skin.

Second remedy for home acne cures for adults, drink lots of water. Our body is made up of 70% water so it basically fuels our very existence. Drinking plenty of water will help us flush out excess dirt from our body. Drinking water is proven to be healthy for our skin and many people who follow drink some extra water see results in less than a month. Remember to drink an average of eight to ten glasses of water daily so your skin is hydrated, and you can keep looking fresh and clean. Sometimes, the best remedies are that simple.

Lastly, and hold your breath for this, use fresh, raw garlic as one of your home remedies for acne cures for adults. Garlic is nature’s anti-inflammatory and antibiotic drug. It is very effective at reducing the swelling and redness of your acne.

More importantly, however, it helps kill the bacteria that cause your acne. Do not rub garlic on your skin though as it will only sting and burn your skin. Just incorporate fresh garlic into your daily diet. You can even boil them, cool the broth down, and drink it as a juice. To make its taste more bearable, you can add a little honey to that solution.

Other Natural  Home Remedies For Acne

1-Aloe Vera 

 Is one of the best known herbs which has been used for centuries both externally and internally. As a gel it is used for burns and damaged skin it has polysaccharides which is ideal for skin repair. Aloe Vera reduces inflammation and relieves the pain of acne it is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antiseptic. Aloe Vera is used internally as a laxative for treating constipation and helps to improve the immune system.

It also helps to improve digestion and clean the colon. It’s used to cure coughs, wounds, ulcers, diabetes, cancer, headaches and arthritis. However, although there are numerous benefits associated with the Aloe plant there may also be side effects if the Aloe Vera juice is consumed in an excess amounts, such as abdominal cramping, diarrhoea and dehydration. It is also recommended for anyone who is pregnant not to consume Aloe Vera.

2-Apple Cider Vinegar
  Sometime referred to as the “acid mantle” the surface of the skin protects the inner layer of skin from bacterial penetration, however, the level of protection can be reduced due to an unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking, drinking, poor diet and lack of sleep.

Apple Cider Vinegar will help to restore the natural condition of the skin, at least on a temporary basis. The Apple Cider Vinegar should be diluted with water and using a clean cotton ball the solution can then be applied directly to the skin. This will kill the bacteria and increase the skin’s acidity (PH measure) which will help clear the acne after repeated applications.

Having acne can be one of the worst things that can happen to a teenager, or even an adult. It ruins your self-esteem and it can prevent you from doing things most people your age do. What’s worse is that pimples even leave scars that you will have to carry your entire life. You’ll want to find some remedies that stop your pimples before they scar.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Is Acne Home Remedies Work ?

Acne Cures For Adults
Holistic treatment solutions are rapidly gaining credibility and popularity as a valid form of treatment for numerous diseases. Home remedies for acne cures for adults not an exception to this general rule for a number of reasons. Most importantly, the main goals of this approach is not only to permanently reduce any types of acne, but also to prevent any recurrence of this upsetting and painful skin condition in the future. 

Natural home treatment for acne cures for adults methods are based upon purely natural components and techniques, therefore there is absolutely no risk of adverse reactions or harmful side effects, not to mention the fact that acne cures for adults home remedies are significantly more affordable compared to any acne medications or conventional acne treatment methods.  

For example,
when you gain a sound understanding about how the different types of acne develop and what makes them different from one another; or perhaps about the available acne cures for adults medications, why they are prescribed and how they work, you will realize just how complex and multi faceted this condition is. It can be caused by a multitude of different factors, which cannot be prevented by acne medications in the long run. Acne medications are in fact developed and formulated to target the symptoms of this common skin condition, not the actual causes.

How do home remedies for acne achieve their objective?

The purpose of acne home remedies is to target the underlying, core causes of acne. These are the exact factors that have caused the development of acne and its symptoms to begin with. For example, in the case of acne vulgaris it is not the overproduction of sebum, which has lead to the development of acne, but rather the overproduction of androgens, which have caused the overproduction of the sebum. 

When we look deeper, we realize that this hormonal imbalance can either be a result of stress, a lack of sleep or perhaps a type of vitamin deficiency. These are all potential imbalances, which the body exhibits by the manifestation of acne. Once these factors are eliminated from the equation, there is simply no room for any acne development in the future.

You see, the treatment of acne will primarily depend on what has caused it and not the type of acne you may have. Of course, it will generally take longer to treat a more severe type of acne, such as nodular or cystic acne compared to white or blackheads. However, the type of treatment you will need depends on the origin of the problem and this is the precise purpose of natural, acne home treatment.

There are indeed several effective strategies to address any imbalances, such as a compromised immune system, abnormal hormone levels or vitamin deficiencies just to mention a few. These are the factors that are of vital importance to address, as without doing so, the recurrence of acne is inevitable.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Are You An Acne Victim ?

 Acne Cures For Adults
 You should start the acne cures for adults lesions before having to regret the loss of tissues (holes) or the excess fibrotic scarring your system creates when it reacts with a strong inflammatory response, for then acne scar treatment ain't going to be easy or quick.

Acne scars are defined either by loss of tissue (ice pick or pitted, indented boxcar scars, rolling acne scars, depressed fibrotic scars) or by the abnormal formation of new thickened tissues (fibrotic, hypertrophic or keloid scars).

Those acne lesions are injuries caused to the cells lining the sebum canals when there is a sudden outflow of sebum to the surface of the skin caused by hormonal imbalances or because of increased pressure on those cells arising from blockage of such outflow by clogged or blocked skin pores.

In fact acne scarring is the outcome when our immune system has to rely just on its own resources to heal acne lesions, for then it acts according to the evolutionary lesson it learned during our evolutionary drift:

All injuries or wounds, scrapes or blisters represent a perilous threat to our survival, not only due to blood loss, but also due to tissue damage or infection from the invasion of micro-organisms and/or foreign bodies such as dirt, splinters and bacteria.

The acne cures for adults healing mechanism that has evolved to react to such threats has two basic characteristics:

First, there is a quick and robust inflammatory response, which sets on the alarms and triggers a cascade of events that begin with a call to action to its fire fighters by the names of lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils and so on... to the injured site.

Second, there is a fibrotic "walling-off" response to isolate foreign bodies, and prevent germs from ceasing the opportunity to penetrate at the site of a lesion.

Problem is those firemen arrive inflamed with chemical weapons and can care less if they also liquefy or destroy adjacent skin and lead to abscess formation.  After all they’ve learned, during our evolutionary drift, that intruders at a site of lesion may become a matter of life or death.

Beauty IS NOT a Priority For Our Immune System

To restore the integrity of the skin as quickly as possible, closure of skin lesions and repair of missing skin tissues occur rapidly by an evolutionary mechanism that leads to granulation and fibrosis, and in other more common words: scars.

Now, in normal skin genesis or in skin regeneration without scars, extracellular matrix is formed with the collagen bundles deposited in a basket weave pattern.

By contrast, when granulation tissues form in wound healing, collagen bundles are laid down in parallel between the margins of the skin lesions. The abnormal architecture of the collagen deposition creates tissues of weaker tensile strength and produces the characteristic scars.

Studies of the wound healing process in humans and in animals show, for a fact, that the first 48 hours after a skin lesion are key in determining the scarring outcome. The best outcome is when interventions are made within this window. A possible explanation is that the small number of signaling molecules in the initial cytokine cascade triggered by the skin healing process can have a deep effect on the levels/ratios of inflammatory cells and growth factors recruited to the wound site.

In addition, the recruited cells influence the receptor profiles on the target cells, further affecting the healing response and subsequent scar deposition.

Monday, September 12, 2011

What is Natural Ways to Clear Acne?

Acne Cures For Adults

Before You search for acne cures for adults solving steps you should search for the cause of the problem because you may be avoid that problem form the beginning

Some Causes of Acne

• Hormones: 

For most people, acne begins at puberty. The body starts to produce
hormones called androgens. Androgens cause the enlargement and over stimulation
of the sebaceous glands in people with acne. Sensitivity to these androgens
also causes acne during the menstrual cycle and sometimes in pregnancy. The
extra oil (sebum) from the sebaceous glands mixes with dead skin cells and bacteria
(Proprionibacterium acnes) on the skin’s surface and blocks pores. Inside the
blocked pore, these bacteria multiply to cause inflammation that leads to acne.

• Stress: 
Stress causes the production of hormones, such as cortisol, that can
aggravate acne. Stress also causes the digestive system to slow down; this in itself is often linked to acne.
• Harsh,drying skin care products: 
These dry the skin too much, causing the sebaceous glands to excrete more oil to compensate for the dryness. Dry skin also leads to excess dead skin cells. More oil plus excess dead skin cells equals blocked pores and more acne

Natural Ways to Clear Acne:
And The Best Ways To Acne Cures For Adults

A. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants. Caffeine stimulates
hormone production.

B. Eat hormone-regulating foods such as alfalfa, flaxseed,
oats, celery, parsley, rhubarb, fennel, and evening primrose oil.

C. Utilize relaxation techniques and exercise to help avoid stress.

D. Use only natural, botanical acne treatment products that are free
from harsh, drying ingredients. Avoid products containing the
following chemical ingredients: alcohol, isopropyl myristate,
lanolin, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, propylene
glycol, mineral oil and parabens.

E. Top Ten Foods for helping to reduce acne: avocado, mangos/
papayas, watercress, garlic, celery, olives, Brazil nuts, pumpkin
seeds, herbs/wild greens/salad leaves, and berries.

F. Foods to avoid: dairy products, refined and cooked carbohydrates,
cooked fats, and meat. All of these foods are acid-forming in
the body and cause a sluggish digestive system. If food travels too
slowly through the body, toxins build up and are not carried away
by the usual processes and are expelled via the skin, causing acne